The Wait…

16th of August 2018… I am at the Athens airport for my plane trip outwards to visit my teacher Petrene in the US… I haven’t been to the airport in quite some time, let alone for the promising, exciting and amazing trip I know this is going to be… Even though I am in weekly contact with her on the phone, it has been 4 years since I last went and 18 years since the first time I went in 1999…

The Departure…

At the airport, everything seems exciting… All is bright and shiny, clean and luxurious… It is 5am in the morning and it feels like the world is opening up to a brand new day… I cannot contain my joy…

The Arrival…

I am finally with Petrene… It is amazing… I have 20 hours of therapy in front of me in which to heal and clear all the things standing in my way… I have 11 days of joy and happiness to look forward to, being with the most amazing person on earth… Of course there are moments when there are tears and there is pain, of course there are difficult things to look at, face, talk about and clear… But nothing is too difficult… and everything looked at is cleared and healed. Can you imagine the relief?

The Stay…

While there, all is shiny, bright, clean, full of color… The air is full of oxygen, we are living in an area that used to be woods, and these woods, even though “tame” now, are still everywhere around us… Squirrels run up and down and amongst the full, tall trees, birds chirp and if you are lucky you will see a deer, racoon or skunk! On another level, the supermarkets are full of whatever your heart may desire, the clothes are bright and cheap and Petrene’s house is bursting at the seams with color, sparkle and beauty… Indeed, Petrene herself is the brightest and kindest spark there ever was…

I am welcomed into all of this… I see grandchildren full of joy, a house full of rescued dogs and cats, horses that have been saved from a life of misery and who now graze happily, being looked after lovingly, and I meet people who go our of their way to be kind and loving towards me… I even learn to fly!!!

Everything is totally and utterly amazing…

The Return…

My return to Athens… 28th of August 2018… First a bus trip and then a taxi ride back to home… Every 2nd or 3rd shopfront is closed and boarded up. Not because it is summer holidays but because they have become bankrupt… Meaningless and grubby looking graffiti everywhere… dirt and grime… sadness, desolation and concrete… very few trees… no colour anywhere… only the dirty gray of the concrete and of pollution, of Athens… Those “bazaar” stores that have opened up all over the place selling second hand and stock clothes for next to nothing – stores which I have shopped in and found amazing and really useful bargains – now seem so so so so sad and tired… The people in Athens are still away… Usually i love this time in Athens and would still love it under different circumstances but right now it just feels really desolate, depressed and poor… Really really, above all else, neglected and poor… How sad!!!

We are all in This Together…

And who is it who is seeing and feeling all of this? Me!!! Me who always tries, and manages more often than not, to see the glass half full vs half empty… Me who always tries and insists on seeing the positive side of all the difficulties we have been facing for so many years here in Greece…

I am sure you can relate to this in one way or another… Many of you are coming back from holidays of your own, though many of you, like me for the last couple of years, haven’t been on holiday at all… Perhaps it has nothing to do with holidays or economic crisis, perhaps it is the way you are feeling anyway… This and the following applies to all things and any form of depression… When we are living in it, we get used to it and we just get on with things, because that is what we have to do to survive… We get on with it and we make the best of it… It doesn’t perhaps seem quite so bad… but this contrast… this stark stark contrast… It is almost unbearable. So unbearable in fact that I promptly, upon my return, was taken ill for a week…

The Solution…

So what is there to do about all of this? I say, that healing is now more important than ever…

We need to strengthen and fortify ourselves so that we are able to get through this time… and not just to get through it, but perhaps to have some hope of bringing change… The current crisis won’t be like it is forever and if we hold our breath and close ourselves off waiting for it to pass, then we shall perhaps be gone, metaphorically speaking, by the time it is over… For sure we will have delayed the positive change needed from happening… We will certainly have a lot of work to do then and we will certainly be making harder work of an already hard situation…

This healing is the reason that i went to visit Petrene… I haven’t been on summer holidays for 2 years in a row so that I would be able to go… I also got help from my parents. Our whole family has done work and they understand and have seen how important and lifesaving the work with Petrene is… First for each of us individually and then for everyone that we love, including you, my clients…

I went to Petrene so that I can be better at my work, better at my life, better at my relationships… I went because I recognised my need and I went so that I can have more; so that I can have more to give… That is how healing works… First we heal ourselves and then we can heal others… You cannot give something to others that you do not first have yourself! The degree to which you are healed determines the degree to which you can heal others!

You may be feeling quite balanced… Perhaps you have also already done some work with me or even with Petrene and you are finding yourself in a good place… Perhaps you are feeling as good as you ever have been! All of that is wonderful! Even so… There is always greater balance and healing to be found… You can always be doing and feeling better! I was doing great and better than ever before I went but I am feeling and being even greater now… A few refresher sessions and some further work on yourself can mean the difference between “terrible” and “ok” or “ok” and “truly great” for you…


I offer amazing, one-of-a-kind healing sessions to help you be the best self that you can be. The unique form of Rebirthing I offer is completed in only 3 sessions, clearing all negative and built up emotions and I am the only person in Europe who is offering it. Counseling and “Clearing, Healing and Balancing” sessions that you can do with me are also unlike any others of their kind. We are not working with theories or ideas but rather with your specific individual needs; and because I have been there and really healed mine I can truly help you heal yours…

There are also many healing sessions that you can do with Petrene over the phone, right here in Athens, from my office, with me translating for you… A Psychic Reading can give you any answers you need and answer your most burning questions… Questions about yourself, your life, your health, career, relationships, children, loved ones… A Regression ( without hypnosis ) will help you to finally heal and put the past behind you… and in doing so, will heal your present and your future…

If you would like or need to go to Petrene’s for an “intensive” as I just did but need a translator, you can also do that, I am happy to accompany you… This is a serious investment in your health and future and if you are interested, please get in touch so we can discuss the possibilities and costs. Without a doubt this would be a completely unique experience and the trip of a lifetime…

Sessions with Petrene and certainly an “intensive” with her, can usually only be done after you have moved on and completed some basic healing with me first…

“The Essence of Self-Healing”!

Most affordable of all and a great place to start, at the same time as anything else you are doing, you can spend a few minutes every day or every second day focussing on positive thoughts and doing some self-healing… “The Essence of Self-Healing: How to bring Health and Happiness into your Life” is the best place to find simple and fast self-healing exercises that really work and that really do what they say they will do… These exercises really make a real, measurable and positive difference… They are exercises that everyone can easily do and do and life is always better when they are part of our daily routine…

In closing…

So… If you are feeling in dire straits… There is help… If you are doing “so-so”, or even “ok”… Even if you are doing great! If you would like a lift, a helping hand, some support… To clear, to heal, to remove blocks to your happiness… I am here… I am here and we are here, and we can help… More than ever, better than ever and ready to go…

Healing means being complete, whole, well, happy, with nothing in your way and stopping you from going forward… You can have all of this and more! Life is good, YOUR life is supposed to be good! 2018 is going to be the best autumn and winter ever… Won’t you join us in choosing a positive, healthy, happy and healed life even if all around you appears to not be ideal? Don’t delay, today really is the first day in the next part of your life. You truly are a free and powerful being; let me help you connect with that!