Your Own Personal Positive Thought Revealed!

Positive Thought Cards by Petrene Soames

Thoughts are alive. They shape our world, our reality and our destiny. So to think positively is important, no small thing… If you have the same thought often enough and send it with enough emotion ( energy ), it will in time take on a material form.

-Petrene Soames

Use this thought for at least one full day, repeating the thought inside yourself often, firmly and strongly, whether you believe it yet or not… Write it down somewhere and place it where you will be seeing it often so that you will be reminded often. This is the thought that you most exactly need right now and it will take you closer to who you need to be and where you need to go. You could also choose a Positive Thought for a friend or for a situation that is on your mind.

You can come back when you are ready to choose your next Positive Thought Card…

Positive Thoughts valuable, powerful and necessary allies… In combination with the other healing sessions which you will find here, they can change your life… In our counseling sessions, one of the basic things which we do is explore Positive Thinking, what role it plays in your life and where and how it relates to you specifically…

Own your own set of the New Improved Version of Petrene’s Positive Thought Cards which includes 33 Amazing Positive Thoughts by ordering from my online store if you are in Europe or closer to Europe, or from Petrene’s online store if you are in the US or closer to the US!

“The Process: 21 Days to Transformation” is Petrene’s amazing new book which includes all the Positive Thought cards in a 21 Day Transformational experience that is sure to blow your mind! Order from me or from Petreme as per above….